The Most Well-Reviewed City on Amazon

In 2017, every city in North America scrambled to answer one simple question – where should Amazon build their new five billion dollar headquarters? As a modest midwestern city without the resources of its flashy coastal competitors, Kansas City needed to stand out from the pack. We set out to hack the thing Amazon holds […]

In 2017, every city in North America scrambled to answer one simple question – where should Amazon build their new five billion dollar headquarters? As a modest midwestern city without the resources of its flashy coastal competitors, Kansas City needed to stand out from the pack. We set out to hack the thing Amazon holds most dear – their coveted and highly-protected product review system. All we needed to do it was a charismatic mayor, an order for 1,000 items, and many, many reviews. After it was all said and done, we’d collected over 1,600 media stories, 150 million earned impressions, and over two million dollars in earned media value.